Tree safety response

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Tree safety response

Two local councils are keeping an eye on large, established trees following two incidents in Adelaide.

A young woman died last month after a large tree fell on her in a public park in Adelaide.

Only days later another person was injured when a limb fell on him at an Adelaide cemetery.

Grant District Council Works Manager Adrian Schutz said council did not have a large amount of tall trees in its public spaces.

“Parks and reserves within Grant District Council are sparse however regular tree trimming is carried out in these areas,” he said.

“A majority of trees in public spaces across the district are established roadside which council also tends to when the need arises.

“Sudden limb failure can occur even when a tree appears to be healthy, this is particularly the case for larger more mature trees.

“Council seeks to limit tree growth over local public infrastructure where existing mature trees are located.”

The Mount Gambier City Council has a tree database which guides its pruning maintenance program.

“Trees are assessed regularly by our arborist and any limbs/trees that may pose a risk are managed accordingly,” a council spokesperson said.

“We acknowledge that trees, particularly some of our native species, can be unpredictable and often drop branches in times of stress to the tree, such as in high winds or during high temperatures. This is a naturally occurring behaviour of trees which council is unable to prevent or avoid.”

The Local Government Association’s issued a media response in relation to the tree incidents in Adelaide.

“Councils take tree management responsibilities very seriously, undertaking routine health assessments and maintenance of trees in their care to minimise risks,” an LGA spokesperson said.

“However, even with the most stringent checks and safety processes in place, nature is unpredictable, and trees can drop limbs without warning during periods of dry, hot weather.

“To maintain trees in a safe way, councils keep a database of trees at risk and use local policies and state government guidelines to determine the types of trees species to be planted in certain areas.

“When it comes to tree management, councils also consider their responsibilities under development legislation, views of the community, tree canopy targets, responding to climate risk and protecting biodiversity.”

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