Tribute to servicemen

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Tribute to servicemen

The RSL Robe Sub-branch, with funding from the Salute their Service Commemorative Grants Program, will unveil and dedicate a seat at the Mount Benson Hall on November 10 with the service to commence at 11am.

Funding was received to install two seats at Robe and Mount Benson inviting community to “Sit and Reflect” on the service of those brave locals who served the nation.

The Robe seat is already in use and the second is dedicated to those who enlisted in World War I from the Mount Benson area which lies between Robe and Kingston.

Those known to have paid the ultimate sacrifice are named on the plaque.

Members of the Robe RSL invite local and neighbouring communities to join them in acknowledging their service and sacrifice.

They would be especially honoured to have descendants of those who enlisted.

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