Undefeated streak kept alive

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Undefeated streak kept alive

Demons 10 d Wanderers 7

The Mount Gambier Softball League match between Demons and Wanderers was always going to be a close game, with both teams fronting up with eight players.

Wanderers took the field first and Demons were able to capitalise early getting three runs home.

Fiona Finch and Abbie Lovekin both landed safe hits while Demons’ Billie Jones used the plate well to hold Wanderers to two runs in the first.

Charlie Kaigg fought hard behind the plate, making it challenging for Demons to move around the bases.

Sofie Moralie is proving herself to be a key batter for the Demons, which has seen her move to the top of the line up.

Billie Jones had a solid game with five strike outs.

Demons finished strong, keeping their undefeated streak alive with the final score 10-7.

Thank you to Demons Brydie Puckett and Jo Hart for filling in so seamlessly.

Concordes United 11 d Concordes White 3

United jumped out of the gates against their sister side White, scoring six in the first dig care of a Dana Jones double, the first of Sarah Thomson’s three singles, and runners batted in singles a piece to Julie Beck and Tyler Kennett.

White was smarting with the defensive pressure but their star pitcher Karly Pearson rallied, striking out two dangerous United hitters before the innings was done.

White rallied with Nat Janz forcing an error then scooting around the bases as Maddie Bowd stroked a shot to Dianne Wilson at centre.

Aleesha Tucker replicated that feat prior to Bowd getting thrown out at the plate for the third out by United’s Bec White.

United was kept scoreless through the second, held strongly again by Pearson’s pitching consistency despite Thomson’s crisp single to left.

Pearson backed up with a double to Harmony Kennett at right for United, Wilson shutting White down with a catch off of Chloe O’Connor’s bat for the last out.

United manufactured two runs including via a head first slide from Jones into the plate, safe on the bang bang play.

Janz led off with a single for White in the third, moved expertly around the diamond by the team hitting of Keely Lunsmann and Bowd before Tucker singled to right and then an RBI single to Mel Smaling.

Tylar Kennett was kept busy by the White hitters, keeping her composure to make all three outs in the innings.

United continued on their merry way adding three more runs in the five innings game, showing their smarts in utilising the short game, Jones and Codie Jackway putting down well placed bunts, Beck with another lovely piece of the ball for an RBI single to Smailing at centre.

Sam Brown came on to steady the ship for White, smashing the first pitch she faced but was put out at second by the sneakiness of Rosie Clark.

Play of the day was off the bat of White’s Kate Altshwager, Bec White having moved to left field, tracked the ball back taking a dazzling catch.

That ended the game in great spirits with United up 11-3.

Warriors 12 

d Bandits 4

Dedicated Warriors superstar Sarah Polderman reaped the rewards of her training focus hitting the ball solidly to the right side, a double in the first then a triple in the second.

“Saintly” Jasmine Disselbach relished her move up the line up, scoring Polderman with her first of four RBIs for the day which offset the cardiac issues Disselbach continues to provide her coaching staff with her base running shenanigans.

Warriors welcomed the return of Tash Vickers who lasered a shot back at Bandits pitcher Chantelle MacDonald, MacDonald took a screamer and continued to keep the Warriors hitters muzzled taking a further three catches in the game which was played with mutual respect and sportsmanship.

Bandits came out swinging in the first, showing their battling prowess with Rebekah Millowick, Lucy Galpin, Emma McGregor, MacDonald, Bec and Lexi Fox all singling but all their hard work was kept to two runs after Polderman threw a pearler from centre to Justine Koop at the plate to have Milowick out.

Not to be outdone, Warriors’ ‘smiling assassin’ Mel Chuck made a heads up play at left throwing Galpin out at third.

Jarvo Queale recalled the finer points of playing the game by using her glove, throwing over the diamond to safely have the last out.

Queale scored Polderman after she cleared the bases with her triple, Teresa Hatch, Leyna Bruggemann and Koop all scoring.

Warriors’ starting pitcher Hatch found her groove with four up, three down for Bandits.

Warriors added two with Disselbach’s second single before Polderman came into pitch as a part of her preparation for the fully loaded fundraiser for the Sunset Kitchen this Friday.

She accidentally hit MacDonald who thankfully was unscathed before Bec Fox showed why she is amongst the league’s most consistent hitters with a marvellous single up the middle.

Bandits took the opportunity to jump on some Warriors clangers scoring two taking the score to 4-7 Warriors’ way.

Warriors lifted their game with Hatch belting a triple that scored Vickers, Koop then snuck in a two RBI double before Queale strode up, leaving coaching staff befuddled by ignoring signals, instead smashing a single to her favoured left side.

McGregor shut Warriors down in the field, making two key plays in the top of the last like a seasoned campaigner.

Galpin tried to get a two down rally going with her infield single, but it was not to be.

Fun was had by all in a 12-4 Warriors win.

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