Vital cuppa and a chat

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Vital cuppa and a chat

Conversations were brewing on R U OK? Day when Suicide Prevention Network, StandBy Support After Suicide and Lifeline volunteers offered free coffee at Bay Blue Espresso Bar and Confession.

Suicide Prevention Network volunteer Cara Loftus-Surguy said they gave away around 54 coffees in two hours at Bay Blue.

“We were out there for R U OK? Day spreading awareness of the day, because it’s so important that we talk to each other and make sure everyone’s okay,” Ms Loftus-Surguy said.

“We gave away free coffees to people who we talked to about the importance to talk to each other about how we feel and follow up on those enquiries.

“Thank you to everyone who supported us.”

StandBy Support After Suicide coordinator Tracey Wanganeen said after partnering with Bay Blue and Confession on R U OK? Day was so successful last year, it was “a given” they would do it again this year.

“There were some really nice conversations in the street, people seem to be a lot more approachable now when you tell them why,” Ms Wanganeen said.

“As soon as you said ‘can I shout you a coffee, it’s R U OK? Day’, people were more open to having a bit of a chat.

“I think with the success of how many people we got to engage with I can only imagine it will be something we will look at again next year.”

Ms Wanganeen said Bay Blue and Confession were very supportive in allowing the use of their spaces along with financial support to help with the cost of the free coffees.

Ms Wanganeen said R U OK? Day was a reminder that people could check in on others every day of the year and said it was also important people remembered to check in on themselves.

“We can often overlook our own wellbeing and that’s every bit as important as looking after the people around us,” she said.

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