War memorial plaques undergo facelift

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War memorial plaques undergo facelift

Plaques honouring fallen soldiers have temporarily been removed from the foreshore war memorial rotunda at Beachport.

The Beachport branch of the National Trust has been successful in obtaining a grant from Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of refurbishing the plaques on the walls.

Trust member and ex-serviceman Graham Trezise and Member for Barker Tony Pasin worked on the application.

Beachport National Trust chairperson Elaine Donaldson said the brass plaques will be refixed to the walls upon their return.

She said the Lions Club of Beachport and Rivoli Bay will repaint the rotunda in the meantime.

According to Ms Donaldson, the funds have been made available via the Saluting Their Service program of the Federal Government.

The plaques date back over 100 years and are located inside the timber shelter which was erected on council land by public subscription in the early 1920s.

They honour the memory of the local men who made the supreme sacrifice in World War I and World War II.

Among the World War I fallen from Beachport are Private Maurice Private Corigliano and Private Russell Bosisto who share an unusual distinction in death.

Their whereabouts were unknown until their remains were found by accident in recent years on former battlefields on the Western Front.

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