Warriors sister sides clash

Warriors sister sides clash

Warriors White continued to dominate its sister side, securing an 8-13 win over Warriors Blue at Blue Lake Sports Park on Saturday.

Warriors Blue scored the first run of the game care of Kelly Doyle picking a lead off walk, efficiently being moved around with shots up the middle by Skylea McLean and Bec White.

This was followed by a RBI hit by pitched ball to Jasmine Disselbach, who put the ball solidly in the field in her two other plate appearances.

Whites started applying the pressure in the third dig, a single to centre from Sarah Polderman who was professionally bunted around by Justine Koop, then scored by the RBI machine Clare Chaplin.

Chaplin crushed another two safe hits, including a stunning double.

Rachelle Blank racked up another hit, as did Koop and team leader Taylor Wilsmore in the fourth inning.

Whites did the damage invoking the 10 run rule that inning, finishing with a fabulous in the park home run by Polderman who drilled a pitch to centre right.

She was also the bane of the Blues bats early, catching everything at left.

Whites remained patient in the batting box as Maddy Bignell picked three walks, sister Caitlyn two alongside Erin Chaplin, who pitched consistently despite facing some riff raff from Blues.

Jarvo Queale again dominated the left side of the diamond with another three safe hits matched by Leyna Bruggemann, with McLean and Doyle two apiece.

Club favourite Mel Chuck relished batting in the four spot, crushing the ball to left twice, including for a RBI double.

She also put her hand up to take on pitching duties, showing her determination to go out of her comfort zone, inspiring others in her team as she does each week.

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