Waste target in sights

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Waste target in sights

Mount Gambier City Council has until the end of 2023 to adopt a waste diversion target to meet the requirements of the State Government’s Waste Strategy 2020-25.

A target of the Strategy is that Regional Waste Management Plans are in place for all South Australian regional local government areas by 2023.

In a report to council, Environmental Sustainability coordinator Aaron Izzard said the strategy would work in conjunction with council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Masterplan.

In his report, Mr Izzard proposed the strategy be adopted and then forwarded to Green Industries South Australia for approval.

“The proposed strategy is a high-level document that outlines council’s vision for waste management and resource recovery, and sets landfill diversion targets for the period of 2023 to 2030,” he said.

“It captures only some of the key opportunities that are available, with more detail contained in the proposed masterplan, which will be much more comprehensive.

“The strategy, in conjunction with the masterplan, will create a waste and resource recovery system with a strong foundation and establish council’s direction.

“The document sets the context and contains a vision, objectives, landfill diversion targets and priority actions all in relation to council’s waste operations.”

He said the strategy was focused on council’s kerbside collection services and actions, while the masterplan will consider council’s waste services as a whole.

“It will direct sound investment in council’s waste systems and sites,” he said.

He said this includes financial sustainability, management of Caroline landfill, waste transfer station and ReUse Market.

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