West Gambier Football and Netball Club 50th anniversary celebrations (gallery)

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West Gambier Football and Netball Club 50th anniversary celebrations (gallery)

West Gambier Football and Netball Club celebrated 50 years at Malseed Park and 40 years since netball commenced in the Western Border Football league.

A huge crowd was drawn to the opening round at Malseed Park against North Gambier former co-tenants at Vansittart Park and the club against whom West played on August 31, 1974.

After a meet and greet night at the club on Friday night all was set for a huge day on Saturday with games being played across the football ovals and netball courts by all grades.

The icing on the cake for the club was wins by both senior football and netball teams with the footballers turning the result from 50 years ago.

Around 250 attended the post-game celebrations with a sit-down meal with highlights of the night being the announcements of the teams of the decades for both football and netball and the inaugural induction of recipients to the West Gambier Football Netball Club Hall of Fame and Immortals.

A Hall of Fame recipient is a Life Member whose prolonged efforts are far above and beyond … they are the fabric that has shaped this great club, and they are the greats that have laid the foundations for our future.

The West Gambier Immortals are our greatest and most revered in the field of play … they are the most respected of us in their generation and their ability, loyalty and courage is what stands them above all others.

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