Lambtastic campaign launched

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Lambtastic campaign launched

The 2023 Summer Lamb campaign is set to become the most watched Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) lamb campaign of all time with the incredible milestone of reaching one million views in just three days.

Collecting a total of 5.7m views across all social channels, the ad’s success is attributed to leveraging the highly topical subject of ‘what makes us all Australian’ – or in this case, ‘un-Australian’.

In a country redefining itself in a post-COVID and post-election world, Australian lamb was able to place itself at the centre of the conversation to drive consideration and consumption.

Since the launch on Channel 7 during the Australia vs South Africa Cricket Test match, the ad has collected 2.7m views on YouTube alone and surpassed the success of the 2021 campaign (nine days to 1m views) and the 2022 campaign (21 days to 1m views).

The success of the campaign has not been limited to social media platforms, with an additional 987 pieces of media coverage across major metro and regional online, broadcast and print mastheads.

A total of 1m people tuned into the campaign’s premiere – 600,000 during the Test and 400,000 during the 7am Sunrise launch with Lambassador Sam Kekovich.

With some rambunctious marketing activity still to come, it looks like it will continue to drive demand and sales of lamb during this peak barbecue season.

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