Beare reclaims coveted #1

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Beare reclaims coveted #1

Mount Gambier’s Anthony Beare won the South Australian Street Stock Title at Borderline Speedway on Saturday night making it the 11th time Beare has won the event, and his 30th overall State Title.

Beare was followed to the chequered flag by Victorian Matt Nelson and Dale Morrison.

Millicent’s Jayden Edwards placed fourth while locals Jason Duell, Mark Jennings and Steve Gartner and Australian number one Nathan Thorne did not finish.

Official Result of the 2024 SA Street Stock Title

A Main: 1 SA46 Anthony Beare, 2. V61 Matt Nelson, 3. AX13 Dale Morrison, 4. SA87 Jayden Edwards, . WA88 Peter Dowie, 6. AX48 Linken Paterson, 7. SA19 Phil Watson

DNF – WA74 Lenny Bates, SA48 Scott Merrett, P15 Paul Domburg, SA91 Darren Brumfield, S87 Nathan Fawns, T27 Jaiden Russell, W3 Peter Kinnear, N46 Brad Warren, SA5 Sam Brumfield, SA72 Kye Richardson, SA18 Jason Duell, SA21 Mark Jennings, NY4 Morris Ahearn, SA52 Nathan Thorne (A1), SA32 Steve Gartner.

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