Bomber dives head first into fundraiser

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Bomber dives head first into fundraiser

Former Millicent footballer and current Essendon star Mason Redman is about to chop his luscious locks – all in the name of a good cause.

The defender, affectionately known as “Red Dog”, is grooming his hair to raise money for the club’s charity partner Challenge.

The event will take place at the Essendon Football Club’s Bombers’ Family Day on Saturday.

Challenge is a not-for-profit organisation that provides daily support for children and families living with cancer or a life-threatening blood disorder from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

Yakult, the Bombers’ longest-serving commercial partner, has bottled up $10,000 to kick-start the donations as Major Event Partner of “Red Dog’s Big Groom”.

Redman, the son of Millicent Football Netball Club current president Joel Redman, is not only known for his prowess on the football field but also for his heart of gold, having played 103 games for the Bombers since his AFL debut in 2016.

He purchased a prominent home in his hometown of Millicent in 2023.

Renowned for his distinctive long locks, Redman will change his signature look for a greater cause.

In an inspiring gesture of solidarity and empathy, he is cutting his cherished hair to raise funds for Challenge, who support children and families living with cancer.

With the goal of raising $50,000 for the charity, the 26-year-old wants to make a difference to children who are suffering from cancer but also their family and friends who are impacted by the diagnoses.

“Childhood cancer does not just affect the patient, it impacts every aspect of their world, especially their family and friends,” Redman said.

“In Australia, 20 families each week are diagnosed with cancer and within Victoria alone, there are more than 220 cases per year.

Challenge does an incredible job of providing support to these families and plays a crucial role in ensuring that no family facing childhood cancer has to do it alone.

“But Challenge cannot continue their work without our support, so I have finally decided to groom my locks and raise the much-needed funds to ensure Challenge continues fulfilling their promise – that no family living with childhood cancer goes unsupported.

“So, Bombers fans and all footy fans, now I need your help because every donation, no matter how big or small, can play a role in ensuring families impacted by childhood cancer can access the resources needed throughout their journey.”

Challenge chief executive David Rogers thanked Redman and encouraged all Bombers fans to get behind the defender.

“Mason is a tough competitor on the field, but this campaign shows his heart of gold and genuine care away from the field,” Rogers said.

“At Challenge, our mission is to embrace each child impacted by a cancer diagnosis with unwavering support and compassion.

What sets Challenge apart is our personal approach – we do not just offer support; we walk alongside our families through every step of their journey.

Our commitment lies in tailoring our support services and programs to fit the unique needs of each individual within the family unit – whether it’s the child battling cancer, their parents, or siblings.

“Every donation, regardless of size, plays a crucial role in ensuring that families living with childhood cancer never walk alone.”

With Redman’s groom booked in for Saturday, February 17, fans can get behind the beloved defender and show their support for children and families living with cancer by 
donating via

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