Boonaroo buyers buck trend of a tough season

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Boonaroo buyers buck trend of a tough season

DESPITE a tough season for farmers, Boonaroo’s annual Angus bull sale has drawn a big investment from primary producers, with 114 of 115 bulls heading to new pastures after Friday’s event.

While this year’s top-price and average were – as has been the trend – lower than 2024, the clearance rate on the larger offering was much higher and the average just over $800 lower.

The top-priced bull of the day was found at lot 14, Boonaroo Quantify U34 and went to Ballantyne Agriculture in South Australia for $20,000.

The son of Lawson’s Quantum R652, he has outstanding EBVs for calving ease and explosive early growth.

Addressing the gathering after the sale, principal Shane Foster said his family – wife Jodie, son Tom and daughter Claire, who all share in the stud’s operation – were humbled by the results.

“We’re blown away by the result,” Mr Foster said.

“We certainly understand that’s it’s been a challenging 12 months but to see the confidence you have got in the industry, going forward, and the cattle we’re producing, really means a hell of a lot, so thank you so much.

“We wish you all the best for the season ahead.”

Lake Mundi’s John Carmichael uses Boonaroo bulls exclusively in his operation and took home four of a long wish-list of bulls, from Friday’s sale.

“We have done well, we have picked up four very good bulls … there’s no point just coming out here and picking out one or two because you know the competition’s going to be tough for every bull,” Mr Carmical said.

“They’re easy calving, easy to handle … and they stand up to, especially with the year we have had, you just look at the bulls here, the size and the weight they have got, they just do really well, even in a bad year.

“And you get very good support from the Fosters … the service you get, not just the bull, outstanding.”

Carmichael agent, Thomas Degaris Clarkson’s Sam Hill said a number of TDC clients favoured Boonaroo for both its genetics and after-sale service.

“The calving ease and temperament are big things with these bulls and the service you get from the Fosters is just massive,” Mr Hill said.

“And we just find the cattle last, you get that longevity with the bulls you’re buying, you’ll get five or six joinings out of a bull, on average, that’s a pretty good average.”

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