Car park mistakes prompt rule reminder

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Car park mistakes prompt rule reminder

Results of an RAA road rules quiz show most drivers do not understand basic rules around car parking and may be leaving themselves open to potential fines, prompting a call for motorists to brush up on their knowledge.

Only 44% of respondents to the quiz in RAA’s samove magazine knew that drivers are allowed to stop in a ‘no parking’ zone for up to two minutes to load or unload passengers or goods, with a large portion believing it was illegal to stop in those zones at all.

Further, only 37% knew they were required to leave a three metre gap when parking opposite another car on a narrow street.

When it came to parallel parking, only 22% of respondents knew they were required to leave a minimum gap of one metre in front and behind when parallel parking on a road without marked spaces.

The quiz had more than 3500 respondents.

RAA Senior Manager Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said many of the road rules surrounding car parking were complex, and drivers should brush up on them to avoid a fine.

“Car parking rules can be complex and technical, but knowing what they are is important,” Mr Mountain said.

“It’s concerning that only 37% of respondents knew they were required to leave a three metre gap when parking opposite another car on a narrow street.

“This is a real problem as more vehicles are parking in our local streets than ever which can restrict access for ambulances, fire appliances and waste collection trucks.

“Also, knowing the minimum gap to leave when parallel parking is important to allow drivers to get out of a parking area, and give people access to the rear of their vehicles to load or unload items.

“Finding somewhere to park can be difficult, especially in the CBD and metropolitan shopping precincts, so knowing things like minimum distances to leave between other vehicles will ensure you avoid a fine and show common courtesy to other drivers.”

Mr Mountain encouraged drivers to regularly brush up on their road rules knowledge online.

“We encourage all road users to review current road rules online – the State Government’s My Licence website is a great resource where you can do this.

“Some new road rules were introduced earlier this year, so drivers should familiarise themselves with them to avoid confusion on the road and ensure they’re obeying the law.

“If you have any specific questions, you can also contact RAA’s Road Safety team for advice on either or 8202 4517.”

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