Cellar door upgrade under way

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Cellar door upgrade under way

Work is under way at Parker Coonawarra Estate as the cellar door undergoes a renovation to bring it into the modern era.

Cellar door director Dimity Savage is looking forward to the completion of the upgrade, which would bring together a focus on the local area.

“We are looking to create a really welcoming high-end experience that offers simple but beautiful bowl food,” Mrs Savage said.

“We want to reward customers from travelling so far away to really immerse themselves in the region and have a wonderful experience.

“Just offering wine is not enough anymore and there is a lot of local cheese on offer, but not so much other products.”

Ms Savage said the newly renovated area was planned to offer a range of local products such as lobster, lamb, beef and locally sourced garnishes. 

A major point of difference will be the new Stillage at Parker event room featuring a reverse cycle ducted system for climate control and a glass gin distillery feature.

“Being in Coonawarra means it’s either raining or 100 degrees so this area will be a great space for all weather events, including weddings,” Mrs Savage said. 

“Local company TK furniture deconstructed timber from the wooden framework previously used to roll barrels on which will be transformed into timber edging for 16 tables.

“This will pay homage to what it was but also giving it a fresh new look.” 

Mrs Savage said the renovations consisted of two phases, with the first to be completed by December in time for their first wedding. 

“The first stage is inside and the second stage is outside which will be kid friendly and include more outside seating,” she said.

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