Christmas spirit shines bright in city

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Christmas spirit shines bright in city

The joy of Christmas was alive on Saturday when the most wonderful time of year paraded along Commercial Street for the AAM Timber Mount Gambier Christmas Parade.

The Lions Club Blue Lake Brass Band Festival kicked off the festivities with a street march along Commercial Street East, followed by the massed march from the Old Town Hall to Crouch Street.

Those involved in the parade gathered at Crouch Street North before making the trek along Commercial Street to Vansittart Park.

At 11am the city’s iconic Town Hall clock chimed, signalling the start of the parade. Onlookers welcomed in the festive season, witnessing a convoy of floats, walkers and brass bands representing local schools, businesses, community groups and organisations.

The Mount Gambier pageant was first introduced in 1959 and has been regarded as the largest regional South Australian event of its kind.

More than 50 entries took part this year, with two new floats joining much-loved favourites.

The Mount Gambier Scout Group walked new chalk floats while handing out colourful pavement chalk which was enjoyed by many sidewalk artists.

Timmy the Christmas Train’s new companion, Tammy the Carriage provided an ideal form of transport for some of the littlest elves.

As always it was the end of the parade that gained the most enthusiasm and excitement from the crowd with the jolly man in the red suit, Santa Claus, aboard his sleigh.

Following the parade the crowd made its way to the Cave Gardens where festivities continued with the Rotary Club of Mount Gambier West’s Party in the Park.

Live performances, children’s entertainment, food and drinks, as well as market stalls attracted all ages and interests.

Santa’s duties continued at the Cave Gardens, where heard hundreds of children share their Christmas wishes.

Meanwhile, a treat of brass bands took to the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre stage to compete in the Lions Blue Lake Brass Band Festival.

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