City women empowered

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Lechelle Earl, owner/editor

City women empowered

Mount Gambier celebrated International Women’s Day in style last Friday with its inaugural march.

The march along the main street was organised by The Haven Mount Gambier and the traffic lights stopped for the group of more than 20 women who carried placards and a banner.

When asked what motivated Ella Van Acker to organise the march, she told The SE Voice it was “just because we can” and to recognise and empower women.

“We are free enough to be able to do this and to celebrate just being women. We are making history,” she said.

“There are so many other countries in which even women just standing around talking to one another would not be allowed.

“There are lots of things that are not exactly right (in Australia) but we are free to say that it is not right.

“Women’s rights have come a very, very long way but we are not there yet. We are not equal yet.

“I think just bringing women together in celebration and seeing how many different kinds of women there is, that is an amazing thing.”

Ella said to even have the event come to fruition was a success but she hoped to see it grow in the years to come.

“I have tried to set one up for a couple of years now but it just did not happen. I wanted to do something with the community that was free. It is only the first one. I think it will be bigger next year because more people know about it,” she said.

“To me just being able to do it is a success, even if five people turned up but I am so glad a few people did.

“We have got everything in place so there is no reason it could not just get bigger and better.”

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