Community connects over cuppa

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Community connects over cuppa

The community hub in Millicent run by has recently established another friendly way of connecting with locals.

“Cuppa Care” it is a weekly time for anyone to drop into the Millicent Community Centre at corner of Glen and George streets.

Each Thursday afternoon from 1.30pm until 2.30pm, Cuppa Care offers a relaxed way to interact with others over a hot beverage and a biscuit.

ac. care Millicent Community Centre coordinator Evonne Lambert said this was a way to alleviate social exclusion.

Ms Lambert said it had been running for a few weeks and was unstructured.

“It could be playing card games or having a chat,” she said.

“We want Cuppa Care to be a way of connecting with people.”

Millicent resident Jo Seesink already calls in every fortnight as staff assist her with online tasks.

Ms Seesink said Cuppa Care will give her another reason to visit.

“I like to spread good cheer among the staff,” she said.

Another Cuppa Care participant is Paul McRobert with the community hub within 60 metres of the Millicent community radio station where he regularly volunteers as an announcer.

Mr McRobert said he is already well acquainted with the ac. care building.

“I used to be a paid worker with a job agency which had a base here,” he said.

“I like to drop by and show my support for the staff.”

The centre offers a range of services, including family support, financial counselling and emergency relief.

Staff also accept community donations, such as good quality clothing, blankets, basic living essentials and non-perishable food.

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