Diamond celebration of service

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Diamond celebration of service

The diamond jubilee of Millicent’s largest service club takes place in 2024.

It will be 60 years in October since the Millicent Lions Club received its charter.

Among the hundreds of members over the past six decades have been its immediate past president Richard North (pictured).

The foundation president was local farmer Doug Mitchell (now deceased) who also was the chairman of the District Council of Millicent at the time.

1964 was a momentous year for Mr Mitchell as he had been in Adelaide in June with his wife Maureen on local government business.

They stayed in close proximity to Parliament House at the now-demolished upmarket South Australian Hotel.

Their fellow guests included the Beatles and countless thousands swarmed North Terrace to get a glimpse of the ‘Fab Four”.

Meanwhile, Mr Mitchell rose through the ranks of Lions to become District Governor in 1971.

He also received the prestigious Melvin D. Jones Lions International Award a few years before his death in 1997 at the age of 71.

His service to the community was recognised with the awarding of the British Empire Medal.

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