Donovans accessibility boosted

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Donovans accessibility boosted

The Donovans Landing has been made more accessible for users following recommendations from Grant District Council’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel (AIAP) being actioned.

Council recently completed concreting works at the Donovans Landing to safely connect newly installed accessible picnic tables, existing car park and Donovans River Wharf.

The area was identified for further improvement after the AIAP’s district wide bus tour in August 2022 where the panel made recommendations to council to increase accessibility.

WDEA Works Employment and Sustainability director and panel member Brett Orr said improvements like this were crucial to create inclusiveness.

“The work that council is doing currently to close the gap and break down the barriers for those who may live with disability or experience vulnerability within their life is commendable,” he said.

“I feel privileged to be part of this advisory group to help shape and embed inclusive spaces for all within the community.

“Being part of the advisory group is a responsibility to ensure that council scope, consult, develop, and launch a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan that is meaningful to the community to which it represents.”

In 2021 Donovans Landing also underwent additional upgrades with the completion of a new accessible toilet facility.

The project was one of many that were and will be completed to meet actions within council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for 2020-2024.

Grant District Council development services team leader John Best said council was committed to continuing to help improve the quality of life for people living with a disability.

“Projects that we are doing, like the replacement of picnic tables with accessible tables, help meet some of the actions within council’s existing Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and with the creation of paths linking various elements on a property this helps make a complete accessible area,” he said.

“The Donovans Landing precinct is now the most accessible it has ever been in and is open for visitors of all abilities to enjoy.”

The AIAP’s next meeting is scheduled to be held this month.

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