Driver reviver van unveiled

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Driver reviver van unveiled

More than 60 people attended the official unveiling of the Penola Lions Club driver reviver van and digital signage last week at the Penola CWA Hall.

The van received $82,000 in government funding by Road Safety Australia and local Lions members have been working hard fitting the van out ready for use.

Guests at the opening included Member for Barker Tony Pasin, Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll, Lions club members, Tandara residents, Fred Stent (CFS), Wendy Hollick and Mandy Gartner (SA Ambulance), Lions ZC Beryl Mahoney, Bill and Sue Coe (Lions Club of Merino-Digby) and Youth Exchange students Teodora from Lithuania and Florance from New Zealand.

Also attending were the Crawford family who are hosting Florance.

Club president Ray Haines welcomed everyone and introduced Mr Pasin who addressed the gathering and passed on his passion about safety on roads.

“I travel more than 100,000 a year and I always call at a driver reviver facility if there is one around,” he said.

Mr Pasin also spoke commended the local CWA group for its support to the community and for supplying the tea and coffee.

He congratulated the local Lions club on its initiative and hoped that it would go a long way in keeping everyone safer on the road.

The facility is the 180th to be established throughout Australia.

It is planned to operate the first driver reviver at the Greenrise Lake Reserve during the school holidays in September and October and volunteers are being sought to assist.

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