Dual exhibitions set to open at Riddoch Arts and Culture Centre

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Dual exhibitions set to open at Riddoch Arts and Culture Centre

The Riddoch Arts and Culture Centre is set to host two exhibitions filled with colour and creativity.

On April 12 the centre will open the Holdfast Art Project’s Secrets of Seaweed by Joann Fife and Sally O’Connor.

In Secrets of Seaweed, the Limestone Coast artists and collaborators present artworks of diverse materials and approaches put together in the service of a deeper understanding of the limestone coastline and its seabed ecology.

Fuelled by a passion for the preservation of marine life and biodiversity, Sally and Jo first joined forces as Holdfast Art Project in 2021, bringing together local artists in the region to take a closer look at the unique character of the coastline, in particular the Bonney Upwelling that hosts the most diverse algae species in the world.

Using hand dyed and almost entirely gifted, reused and recycled materials, Jo’s approach to object making invokes the fragility of our seabed ecology while revelling in the wonders of marine lifeforms.

Sally, working mainly in painting and printmaking, employs her background in botanical science to take us on a deep dive into the bizarre cellular world of holdfasts, seagrasses and red, green and brown algae.

Opening night will be April 12 at 6pm, with free entry.

RSVPs are essential and can be made by clicking here.

There will also be an artists’ talk on Saturday, April 13 at noon.

This is also a free event with bookings not required.

A second exhibition will also be launched on April 12, with works from Thumb Print Inc going on display.

Artists from the Thumb Print collective have produced a series of prints and drawings that explore notions of the collective, the individual and the habitats that speak to our shared existence.

Featured artists explore the visual dynamic of evolving life, celestial beings, as well as identity and persona.

To evolve is to change, and Thumb Print harness this idea of creativity as a generative force for positive change within and without.

Light catering provided and bar service available.

RSVP by phoning 8721 2563 or emailing riddoch@mountgambier.sa.gov.au

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