Education future ‘on the table’

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Education future ‘on the table’

The Australian Education Union (AEU) is currently negotiating with the State Government for an enterprise agreement that makes urgent improvements to the working conditions of educators, which ultimately benefits our kids and the whole community.

Visiting Mount Gambier this week, Branch President Andrew Gohl said community support was vital.

“Public educators are at breaking point and we need strong community support to ensure improvements are made,” Mr Gohl said.

Academic research commissioned by the AEU late last year showed levels of professional satisfaction have almost halved since 2018, with almost 45% intending to leave the profession within the next five years.

“The changes we are proposing address unsustainable working conditions driving educators away from the profession.

“This is about ensuring country kids have access to quality teachers,” Mr Gohl said.

The AEU said it was working hard to improve country incentives to attract and retain both new and experienced educators at country sites, which is vital amid the escalating shortage crisis.

Access to country housing is another major concern – particularly in the Lower South East – and the union is asking for a review of the supply and quality of housing available to educators.

“The Government may think making small changes to current conditions is enough, but educators and the community know that significant improvements are needed to ensure a bright future for our kids,” Mr Gohl said.

Community members can show their support for their local schools by supporting the campaign at and AEU members are encouraged to attend tonight’s campaign briefing at Mount Gambier High School.

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