Entertainer back on road

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Entertainer back on road

COVID cancelled a concert and the so-called “Webster Pack” were unable to play in Millicent on New Year’s Eve.

Headed by veteran Millicent entertainer Allan Webster, he was due to be joined on stage by his son Mark and his granddaughter Melody for an afternoon of great entertainment at the Milicent United Soccer Clubrooms at McLaughlin Park.

There were scheduled to be three generations on stage together and perhaps the great granddaughters could have given a rendition on harmonica as well. However, the pandemic put paid to a live performance.

Nevertheless, the show did go on in the best traditions of the entertainment world.

Allan and the family gave a performance from his home and it was live-streamed.

His next local gig will be as a support act to the Shelley Jones band on Sunday, February 25.

They will be performing at the Millicent United Soccer Club.

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