DO you know someone who goes above and beyond in your community?
The Glenelg Shire Council is calling on residents to shine a spotlight on their local heroes, with nominations now open for the 2025 Glenelg Shire Community Awards.
Released in a new-look format last year, the Community Awards recognise individuals, community groups and events that make the Glenelg Shire a great place to live and visit.
Locals can nominate across eight categories including:
Citizen of the Year
Senior Citizen of the Year
Youth Citizen of the Year
Community Group of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
Diversity and Inclusion Award
Arts and Culture Award
Outstanding Achievement Award
“Behind every great community initiative, event, group or club, there are passionate, determined and community-minded people who make it happen,” Glenelg Shire Mayor, Karen Stephens said.
“The 2025 Community Awards are a chance to formally acknowledge the efforts of these individuals and groups and celebrate the positive impact they have had on our Shire.
“I encourage everyone to think about the people in their community who are always working behind the scenes and who may not otherwise receive the recognition they deserve. Now is your opportunity to nominate them for a Community Award – jump onto our YourSay Glenelg website to learn more and start the process.”
Contributions can be in any field including education, health, fundraising, charitable and voluntary services, sport, arts, environment, or any other area that contributes to the advancement and wellbeing of the community.
Full eligibility criteria is available via the Your Say Glenelg website where nominations can be submitted.
Hard copy nomination forms are also available from Council’s Customer Service Centres, Glenelg Libraries branches and Nelson Visitor Information Centre.