Exports beefed up

Exports beefed up

Australia’s red meat and livestock industry experienced exceptional operating conditions and our red meat is recognised as a high-quality product domestically and all around the globe, according to the Australian red meat and livestock industry State of the Industry Report 2022 released last week.

The report, produced by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), provides an overview of Australia’s red meat and livestock industry from the prior calendar year and includes figures on production, consumption, exports and the economic significance of the industry and key issue snapshots.

Australia’s red meat and livestock industry’s turnover totalled $67.7b in FY2020-2021, accounting for approximately 1.7% of Australia’s total key industry turnover. Industry turnover is defined as income generated by businesses within the industry from the sales of goods and services.

MLA Managing Director Jason Strong said the report highlighted the resilience of Australian red meat producers in the face of both domestic and global challenges.

“In 2020-2021, Australia’s red meat and livestock industry experienced exceptional operating conditions at the farm gate level. Bolstered by above-average rainfall, we have seen a continuation of the national herd and flock rebuilds,” Mr Strong said.

“The strengthening of these rebuilds has come during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns, as well as global disruptions. These events have altered consumer behaviour and significantly impacted cost of living and the global supply chain.

“Despite the challenges, Australian red meat is in amazing shape. We are the number one exporter for both sheepmeat and goatmeat, as well as the fourth largest beef exporter globally.”

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Murray Watt said the report showed Australia’s red meat and livestock industry was in tremendous shape.

“MLA’s report shows the strength of Australia’s red meat and livestock industry,” he said.

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