Families join in mill festivities

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Families join in mill festivities

The annual Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill Social Club Christmas party was held at McLaughlin Park on Sunday and the mood was festive despite the grey skies and chilly wind.

It has been held at teh venue for two decades and features music, food, a visit by Father Christmas and novelty rides provided by the Showmen’s Guild of South Australia.

Local schools and community groups benefit from the day as they are employed by the KCA Millicent Mill Social Club to man the gates, cook the barbecues etc.

Among the volunteers manning the barbecue was Newbery Park Primary School principal Leanne Scudds.

Such functions used to be commonplace in towns and cities in the post-war years but have declined in line with cutbacks in the Australian manufacturing sector.

It is also the long-time practice of the company to sponsor Christmas dinners for KCA employees.

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