Federal bounces back with win

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Federal bounces back with win


After last week’s weeks poor showing from the Demons, they turned their fortunes around in the Mount Gambier and District Baseball League double-header round against Tigers played on Friday night.

Playing two shortened games of back to back games of seven innings Federal was away in the bottom half of the first dig when lead-off batter Nash Lobley’s Texas Leaguer to leftfield saw him on first base and was batted in by Clay Carpenter’s double also to leftfield.

They added another in the second after Roy Hutchesson hit safely and crossed on Alex Pearson’s single with both of those hits also going leftfield’s way.

Tigers returned fire in the top of the third when with two out Mitch Thomson singled to centrefield and was batted in by Ben Marcus, with the score 2-1.

The green and reds went further ahead in the bottom of the fourth adding another single run.

Catcher Josh Wilsmore hit for the team’s fifth safe-hit to leftfield of the night and he was batted in by Alex Pearson which surprise, surprise went to leftfield, with the score 3-1.

In the bottom of the fifth Federal added their final run after Craig Nicholls singled and was batted in by Roy Hutchesson’s single.

Nine of their 13 safe hits for the game went to leftfield.

The orange and blacks picked up a consolation run in the top of the sixth.

Kane Harrison singled into the infield and Jake England’s safety to rightfield pushed Harrison across the home plate, taking the score 4-2.

Alex Reppin pitching for Federal gave up four base on ball, seven safe-hits and two runs while throwing 11 strikeouts from 116 pitches.

Jake Powell for Tigers gave up four base on ball, 13 safe-hits and four runs while throwing four strikeouts from 121 pitches

Game two saw both teams battling neck and neck all seven innings.

Tigers were off to a flier scoring three in the first.

Ben Marcus drew a walk, Harrison Elletson hit deep to leftfield, Matt Thompson’s Texas Leaguer to rightfield scored Marcus, Elletson crossed home on coach Kane Harrison’s hit to centrefield and finally Jake Powell’s sacrifice fly pushed Thompson home.

However, the lead was short lived as Federal pushed back in the bottom of the first after some loose pitching.

Nash Lobley and Alex Pearson both picked walks and Craig Nicholls was hit by the pitcher.

With bases loaded Jordan Johnson also drew a base on ball which scored Lobley, Alex Pearson crossed on a wild pitch and Nicholls followed soon after when a throw from the catcher to third base to get him out went wild.

The Demons went ahead in the second dig after Alex Pearson walked for the second time and scored on another wild pitch.

Tigers levelled the game in the top of the third.

Ben Marcus doubled to leftfield and scored on Matt Thompson’s safety to centrefield.

Tigers went ahead by one in the top of the fourth when Jarvi Mee found himself at first base after an infield error by the pitcher.

With bases loaded again Ben Marcus again picked a walk which pushed Mee home.

Federal fought back in the in the fifth to level the scores again.

Alex Reppin doubled to leftfield and crossed on Roy Hutchesson’s single to leftfield.

The Demons blew the game wide open in the bottom of the sixth scoring three unearned runs.

With two out Alex Pearson picked his third base on ball, Matt Nicholls, replacing the injured Alex Reppin in the batting box, hit a fly ball to centrefield which was grassed.

Pearson scored on a wild pitch then Craig Nicholls crunched the ball to centrefield.

Clay Carpenter picked a walk as did Jordan Johnson which saw Matt Nicholls cross home plate.

Craig Nicholls scored the third run of the inning when Roy Hutchesson’s hit into the infield saw the Tigers third baseman make a mistake giving them an eight run to five lead.

Not to be denied, the orange and black lineup showed they were not yet done.

Joe Sims doubled to leftfield, Matt Thompson walked as did Kane Harrison.

The first two runners on base scored on Jake Powell’s hit deep to leftfield, Harrison followed when Pat Kermond hit safely to the outfield and Powell hit home plate on an infield fielder’s choice giving Tigers the lead by a solitary run.

Federal looked in trouble in the even seventh when with one out Alex Pearson hustled to first on a fielder’s choice out at second base.

Matt Nicholls stepped up and crushed the ball to rightfield for a double scoring Pearson for the tying run before a fly ball ended the game a 9-all draw.

For Federal Clay Carpenter gave up 10 hits, seven base on balls and nine runs and pitching one strike out from 120 pitches.

Starter for Tigers, Harrison Elletson gave up seven base on balls, one hit by pitched ball and four runs and no strikeouts from 59 pitches over two innings while reliever, Joe Sims, from five innings gave up four base on balls, five safes hits and five runs throwing five strike outs from 105 pitches.

Tigers made five errors white Federal conceded two.


In the first of the Saturday night double header between Central and South Indians, the Indians mirrored Federal from last week when they could not score against a rampaging Magpie outfit.

Aided by five base on ball and two hit pitched balls by two South pitchers in the second inning and only two safe hits Central scored 12 runs unfortunately all unearned due to a costly six errors.

In the third dig Alex Ridding was at first from a fielder’s choice and was batted in by Dylan Gull’s hit to centrefield.

Kyall McClean scored in the fifth when his fly ball to rightfield was put down and he crossed home plate on Dylan Chuck’s safe hit to centrefield.

The Magpies did not get one strikeout against them while their pitchers picked up seven on the South batters.

Highlight of the night was the appearance of 15-year-old Bree Ridding in her first Division 1 Game.

Central finished winners 14 runs to 0.

Game 2 was a much more intense affair except the result was very similar.

Central were up and running in the first dig.

Dylan Chuck singled followed by Koby Chant who arrived at first base on a fielder’s choice.

Chuck crossed home on Dylan Gull’s single to leftfield closely followed by Chant on Colby Muller’s safety to centrefield.

South fired back when Blake McAdam singled to centrefield and scored on Bradley Meek’s infield fielder’s choice.

That however was the final score for the Indians.

Two more for Central in the second when Brad Walkom drew a walk, Dave Harris singled to rightfield that scored Walkom.

Harris was batted in by Koby Chant.

Strong hitting in this game by the Magpies added more runs in the fourth.

Dave Harris singled again and scored on a passed ball, Dylan Chuck picked a base on ball and was batted in by Alex Ridding.

Koby Chant’s double to leftfield scored Ridding, Dylan Gull picked up his third safe hit for the game and both he and Chant scored with good base running.

The final inning saw the Magpies add four more. Dylan Chuck singled for the third time as did Alex Ridding for his third hit and Koby Chant also made it safely to first.

Chuck scored on Dylan Gull’s sacrifice fly, Colby Muller singled and he and Chant added the last two runs of the game on Jakob Walkom’s safety to centrefield.

Central pitcher Dylan Chuck gave up five safe hits, one base on ball, one run and picked up 11 strikeouts from 103 pitches.

South used three pitchers and between them gave up 17 safe hits, five base on ball, one hit batter, 13 runs and picked up six strikeouts.

Central played errorless baseball while South only made one.

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