Feral deer too costly to ignore

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Feral deer too costly to ignore

Feral Deer Eradication Program is critical to protect the future of South Australia’s agricultural industries

The South Australian Government’s Feral Deer Eradication Program has attracted support from the South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA).

SAFPA chief executive Nathan Paine said the program, delivered through the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, was a critical service to protect, support and empower the State’s agricultural industries in the Limestone Coast, particularly the forest and timber industries.

“The Primary Industries and Regional Development South Australia (PIRSA) feral deer culling program delivered through the Limestone Coast Landscape Board is a crucial service in benefiting and safeguarding all agricultural commodity groups from these wild pests”, he said.

“Without this program, our industry would be at risk of suffering significant long-term financial and property loss, as these feral animals destroy or damage our crop and plantation trees.

“Over the last 10 years, South Australia’s forest industries have lost a total of 30,000 hectares due to unfair policies such as water allocations, and an additional 20,000 hectares lost due to bushfires, we simply cannot afford more loss due to feral pests such as feral deer. 

“We applaud the State Government and the Landscape Board for delivering this program to protect our industry specifically and all agricultural industries and regional communities generally.

“The forest industries were grateful to have the aerial culling program in the South East forestry estate, which in 2023 removed a total of 2239 feral deer from the southern forestry estate, predominantly through the aerial culling program which removed 1610 feral deer.

“We need to ensure that every seedling we plant today has the best chance to grow into a tree tomorrow that can be harvested and processed into critical fibre products such as house frames.”

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