Final futsal face-off

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Final futsal face-off

More than 100 people were in attendance to watch the Black Panthers play the Messi-Ronaldos in the under 13 grand final of Football South Australia’s Limestone Coast Futsal League.

A total of nine goals were scored in the 30-minute match, which resulted in Black Panthers victorious, after the winner was down by two goals in the first five minutes of the match.

Black Panthers athlete Emmy Jeffrey was decisive, scoring all seven of her team’s goals.

However, the match was far from as one-sided as the score implies, with 30 minutes of competitive futsal (indoor soccer) on show for the crowd.

Football South Australia’s Regional Development Officer Limestone Coast and the League Administrator Christian Fleetwood congratulated both teams on their performances.

“Well done to both teams and all players for a fantastic first season in the Limestone Coast Futsal League, and for putting on a great show during the U13 grand final,” he said.

“And well done to both coaches, Ben Jeffrey of Black Panthers and Brenden Robertson of the Messi-Ronaldos, who have volunteered their time to mentor and lead their teams.”

Fleetwood extended his thanks to the volunteers and officials who have contributed towards the success of the Limestone Coast Futsal League.

“I am especially grateful for the regular dedication, care and quality of Tom Navickas, Peter van Dijk, Brian Corfield, Sarah England, Jacob Bidese, and Vlada Gajic,” he said.

Alongside the U13s in receiving their grand final honours were the U17s, with second-placed AFC Ajax and top-placed Inter Boyz awarded for their season placings.

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