Fine Cut wares reach market

Fine Cut wares reach market

Mount Gambier professional metalworker Bronte Walker had good reason to visit his home town of Millicent on a few occasions in recent weeks.

His sister Sally Fennell is the treasurer of the Millicent Show Society which runs fortnightly markets in the hall and surrounds.

She suggested such a market would be a perfect place to sell his wares and she has been proved right.

Together with his wife Angela, they operate Fine Cut Laser which mostly undertakes works for industrial purposes.

As a sideline, they also design and cut decorative pieces.

There was a steady demand for them at the Millicent Showgrounds Market and the couple were assisted by their three children.

“Our best sellers at Millicent were garden art like fairies,” Mr Walker said.

Millicent Show Society president Brett Keatley said they decided to stage an additional market on the eve of Mothers’ Day.

“We provided free tea and coffee and chocolates for all the mums,” Mr Keatley said.

“For the first time, the Show Committee used the fryers to cook hot chips.

“The fryers were installed a couple of years ago when the kitchen was upgraded.”

The Show committee also provided cakes, scones and slices.

Adding to the festive atmosphere were Mount Gambier entertainers Jason and Christy Wallace.

Their costs were met by a grant from Wattle Range Council.

In all, there were 20 stalls inside the hall and its environs.

On a sad note, the Millicent Show Society mourned the recent passing at the age of 97 of life member and patron Ada Gurney.

She had been a long-time hall steward and indoor section convenor.

“We sent a floral arrangement to her funeral and have written to Ada’s family,” Mr Keatley said.

“Ada’s daughter Sandra Gurney is here today as she is a regular stall-holder.”

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