Surgery future hinges on budget

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Surgery future hinges on budget

Doubt has been cast on the future of the operating theatres at Millicent and District Hospital by Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll, local MP Nick McBride and Health Minister Chris Picton.

The source of funding for mandated nationwide sterilisation facilities upgrades at places like Millicent was queried several months ago by the Limestone Coast Local Health Network.

This stance has since been covered by The SE Voice and referenced by Mayor Noll at a recent council meeting.

“As reported in The SE Voice, the future of surgical services at the Millicent and District Hospital and other hospitals in our region appear to hang in the balance,” Mayor Noll said.

“The Limestone Coast Local Health Network regional board has expressed disquiet in its public deliberations about the continuation of such surgical services at smaller hospitals across our region.

“I met with Nick McBride MP recently and discussed this matter and he will be asking the question regarding this in parliament.

“The media should do some digging.

“Questions need to be asked as our hospital services are being dismantled.”

Mr McBride posed a query to the Health Minister in the House of Assembly on April 9.

In reply, Minister Picton said the mandated upgrades were reliant on a budget allocation.

“Standards that have been put in place for healthcare services, public and private, in relation to sterilisation units have changed in recent years,” Minister Picton said.

“That has meant that upgrades have been required in both public and private settings to meet those standards.

“This is something that we are not only addressing and working through in relation to the issues in Millicent but also in other public hospitals across, particularly, regional South Australia.

“This is an area where there are a number of upgrades that have happened already.

“There are still a number of upgrades that we need to work through, of which Millicent is one.

“This is obviously something on which we will undertake further consideration through appropriate government and budgetary processes in relation to future work.”

“I am advised that some $40,000 has been spent so far in relation to the design works through Studio Nine Architects to make sure that we have the plans in place.”

Minister Picton said the operating theatres were in use at Millicent on three days per week.

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