Food and fashion for a cause

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Food and fashion for a cause

Ladies it’s time to book your seats as the ‘Ladies on the Lawn’ event is being held again in Penola.

The fundraiser for the Penola-Coonawarra sub fund of Stand Like Stone Foundation last time raised more than $6000 for the local area.

The money is invested and the interest used for community grants, educational scholarships and back to school vouchers in the Penola and Coonawarra area.

This years event is to be held on Saturday, April 6 from 2-5pm.

A beautiful autumn afternoon tea in the Penola town square will be spent enjoying a new season’s fashion parade curated by the talented Robyn Wittwer from Salt and Co.

Roby has so kindly offered to donate a generous 20% of the sales from the event to Stand Like Stone.

Her beautiful, curated clothing, accessories and homewares shop opens out onto the town square.

This year you can book seats at a table and also pre order a grazing platter from Cooney and Co to enjoy with a glass or two of local wine or a coffee.

Alice Cooney is multitalented local chef and will have her food van stocked with tarts and pastries.

Later in the afternoon, the Happi Belli Vietnamese food van will be on site.

Local businesses are generously contributing raffle prizes along with the Coonawarra wineries.

Everyone is invited to gather up a group of friends and seats can be booked (free of charge) at Salt and Co’s Facebook page.

Platters can be booked through the Cooney Catering website.

Bookings are required to save a table, however there will be extra seating in the square.

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