Former council chief extends community service as JP

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Former council chief extends community service as JP

Another government role has again been entrusted to former Wattle Range Council chief executive Frank Brennan, of Beachport.

He will continue as a Justice of the Peace for a further 10 years until May 2034.

It was a practice established in colonial times in South Australia that such council leaders were appointed as JPs and Mr Brennan’s honorary service in this role dates back to the 1980s.

For over a decade, he has used his tertiary qualifications and experience to run Frank Brennan Consulting Services.

As well as being a past Millicent Football Club secretary and former Mid South East Football League Junior Committee chairman, Mr Brennan has previously served as the State Government appointed presiding member of the Millicent-based South East Water Conservation and Drainage Board and the now-defunct South East Natural Resources Management Board.

One of his current interests is being an independent director of the Limestone Coast Fishermen’s Cooperative.

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