Fuel watch keeps prices down

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Fuel watch keeps prices down

South Australians are saving more than $20m a year thanks to the State Government’s live fuel price monitoring, a new RAA report has shown.

According to the RAA’s latest fuel survey, motorists are saving $315 per year on average by having the power to shop around and buy when fuel is cheaper.

The report has found 65,000 South Australians use the RAA app each month – resulting in an overall annual saving of approximately $20.5m from the RAA app alone.

The average price of unleaded petrol has experienced an increase driven largely by global inflationary pressures and the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

As a result, 74% of those surveyed said they now spend more than $100 per month on fuel compared to 36% in 2021 – demonstrating how important the live fuel pricing is to help people find the cheapest option.

Under the fuel pricing information scheme, fuel retailers are required to report their prices to a central database within 30 minutes of changing the price at the pump.

Drivers can then access free fuel price information via fuel price apps including Petrol Spy, Motor Mouth, the RAA app, SA Bowser: Should I Fuel?, Fuel Price Australia, ServoTrack and Pumped.

Consumer and Business Services conducts regular inspections and petrol station operators face penalties of $649 ($550 plus $99 Victim of Crime levy) – or fines in court of up to $10,000 – especially if they have ignored previous warnings.

CBS has conducted more than 2800 inspections, investigated 1921 complaints and issued 356 warnings and 58 expiations totalling more than $31,900 in fines and levies since the scheme’s introduction.

Anyone who believes a service station is in breach is encouraged to report it online via https://www.cbs.sa.gov.au/campaigns/find-the-cheapest-fuel to the Consumer and Business Services.

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