Furry friends blessed

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Furry friends blessed

All creatures great and small beat a track to Mount Gambier’s Christ Church Anglican Church on Sunday for a special pet blessing.

Members of the Limestone Coast community were invited to bring their furry friends along to be blessed.

Set in the church grounds in glorious Spring sunshine, there were 25 dogs, two birds and five cats and kittens in attendance who were blessed by Archdeacon of the Limestone Coast Father Neil Fernando with special water from the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee in the Middle East.

Four of the cats had been brought along by Maxine Spence from Wet Noses Animal Rescue and are now ready for adoption.

Several songs and prayers were recited, and Father Neil spoke about staying by your pet’s side when they are being euthanised at the end of their life.

The gathered was addressed by South East Animal Welfare League president Trevor Tilley and shelter manager Trina Tilley who spoke about the shelter’s adoption process and rescuing native animals as well as Wet Noses Animal Rescue director Ms Spence who outlined the rescue group’s role.

Mrs Twilley had with her a wallaby joey which had been rescued the previous day and which she had started hand feeding every four hours.

Donations of pet food was made to Wet Noses Animal Rescue and all pets blessed received a special certificate.

Christ Church Anglican Church volunteer Sandy Coulson said event organisers were delighted with the turnout in the sunny weather.

“I think what Father Neil said about that it’s best if you are by your pets’ side when they are euthanised in a sterile, vet surgery room was great advice,” she said.

“We have been holding this service for many years and will continue to do so every year while people are still interested.

“This is a regular ceremony, but it stopped for a few years during COVID and has since started up again.

“The pet service had been held for many years and was popular with parishioners and new visitors to the church.

“This year Christ Church has been able to donate a large quantity of pet food donated by parishioners to Wet Noses who needed food for rescued animals.”

Ms Coulson said the church would continue to hold the service as the companionship of pets was a very important part of many people’s lives.

“Having them blessed is one way of showing how much they mean to us,” she said.

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