Heat halts footy

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Heat halts footy

Round 3 of the Limestone Coast Women’s Football League was cancelled on Sunday due to the league’s heat policy.

Two games at Nangwarry between Casterton Sandford and Penola and the hosts taking on South Gamber were cancelled, along with another two games scheduled for Kybybolite with the first game being Mundulla vs Kongorong and the second Kybybolite vs North Gambier.

After two rounds Mundulla, Casterton Sandford and North Gambier remain undefeated, with Millicent fourth with four points, followed by Penola and Kybybolite both on two points.

Nangwarry, Kongorong and South Gambier are all looking to secure their first points.

North Gambier’s Chole Newton is the leading goal kicker, bagging 13 goals in two games.

North Gambier’s Alice Tentye and Mundulla’s Brooke Ballinger are tied second with six goals each.

This week’s games are all set to be played at McLaughlin Park in Millicent, with Kongorong and Penola to kick off the day, followed by South Gambier vs Casterton Sandford, and then Nangwarry will play Millicent.

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