Tag: Naracoorte

Region’s best pad up for cup

Some of the South East’s top cricketers travelled to Adelaide to compete in the SACA Senior Country Cup last week.
The team comprised players from...

Naracoote reveals ace

Round 14 of the Southern Ports Tennis Association season resulted in Naracoorte sliding into third spot with consecutive wins over the Frances/Lucindale Eagles and...

Grand final rematch highlight of round

Rendelsham v Millicent
The replay of the 2023/24 grand final is the highlight of the 13th round of the Millicent Naracoorte Cricket Association on Saturday.

GALLERY: Pink Stumps Day

The cricket match between the Millicent Black Hats and the Naracoorte Townies was played at Norm Facey Oval in Millicent on Saturday as a...

Taste festival delivers mouth-watering line-up

The Naracoorte Town Squares will come to life for the 2025 ‘Taste the Limestone Coast Festival’ this Saturday.
The much-loved event has been running since...

Cricketers tickled pink

The fourth local Pink Stumps match at the Norm Facey Oval in Millicent on Saturday has raised more than $13,000 for the McGrath Foundation...

Panthers pounce on competition

The Limestone Coast Football Association is set to be bolstered with the return of a cross-border competitor.
After five years away from the Limestone Coast...

Cricketers head to crease for charity

Pink will be the colour of play at Norm Facey Oval in Millicent on Saturday (February 8) when Naracoorte Townies cricketers make their annual...

Fires spark remote court appearances

ASouth East court recently had its regular proceedings altered to account for fires in western Victoria.
The Bordertown Magistrates Court circuit was set to take...

Hattrick highlight

Rendelsham 4/100 def. Kingston 10/99
Afirst-time hattrick by Rendelsham’s Sam Bell was the highlight of round 11 in the Millicent/Naracoorte Cricket Association on Saturday.
Bell snared...

MiniRoos action ready to kick off

The Limestone Coast Football Association will kick off its MiniRoos competition at MGA Park and Apollo Football Club tomorrow night.
The program is designed to...

Smart farm focus

Now is the time to learn about the opportunities for carbon smart farming in the Limestone Coast
The road to carbon smart farming can be...

Liberal Party ‘blitzes’ region

The Liberal Party is “blitzing” five large South East towns next month in a bid to win back the seat of MacKillop from Liberal-turned-Independent...

Jamboree Scouts’ honour

Agroup of Limestone Coast Scouts have attended the Australian Jamboree in Queensland this month.
Every four years, Scouts have the opportunity to attend an Australian...

Former Naracoorte mayor remembered

Former Naracoorte Mayor Bill Pomery has recently passed away at the age of 99.
His funeral was held at the Naracoorte Town Hall on Friday.