High school deputy top of the class

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High school deputy top of the class

Messages of congratulation are pouring in for Olivia Dean who achieved the highest Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking score at Millicent High School in 2023 after the Year 12 SACE results were announced yesterday.

It is the fourth consecutive year that a Mount Burr netballer has achieved the highest ATAR at the school.

Ava Smith-Muhovics claimed the honour in 2020 and has been followed by Jemma Hayward, Amelia Ballantyne and now Olivia.

It has been a remarkable 12 months for Olivia as she has combined her school studies with being a MHS deputy school captain, playing sport and working part-time at a Millicent pharmacy.

She has been congratulated by University of South Australia regional manager Ian McKay and his organisation provides cash prizes to the region’s leading Year 12 students each year.

After adjustments, Olivia received a final ATAR score of 93.15.

Her best subject was Psychology where she scored 18 out of 20.

Olivia received the Science prize at the annual MHS presentation night last week along with the BankSA academic achievement award.

Her ATAR score will gain Olivia a place in the Occupational Therapy course run by Flinders University in Mount Gambier.

Olivia told The SE Voice that Year 12 had proved to be challenging but she had a study routine.

“The teachers always supported me and helped in free lessons and at lunchtimes,” Olivia said.

Close behind Olivia with their ATAR scores were Tayla Rowe, Nasheeta Neilson and Cade Kelly.

In all, MHS had 18 students receive an ATAR while 37 received their South Australian Certificate of Education.

Both of these figures will grow slightly when the Vocational Education and Training scores are added.

MHS assistant principal Stephanie Gilbert said the school had a large cohort of almost 60 Year 12 students in 2023 and another high number was anticipated for next year.

Ms Gilbert said the overall results at MHS were on a par with previous years.

“We had a personable group of students this year,” Ms Gilbert said.

“They were really passionate about achieving in their desired field whether it be gaining an ATAR or securing an apprenticeship or traineeship.

“The students pursued the pathways they wanted.

“Looking to 2024, the incoming Year 12s should have a good break and then consider making a head start on their studies.”

Ms Gilbert said the school was proud that three members of its PACE special needs class became the first to get their SACE.

PACE stands for Participating, Achieving, Creating and Exploring.

Meanwhile, the best performing student at Kangaroo Inn Area School was Lana Morrison with an ATAR of 92.4.

Senior teacher Angela Leopold said KIAS only had a small class of Year 12s this year and the school was proud of them all.

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