Highland dancers take global stage

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Highland dancers take global stage

Two Mount Gambier Highland dancers have been selected to dance in a prestigious Tattoo overseas.

Bell Studio of Highland Dance students Lucy Edwards and Tilly Salmon will travel to Switzerland in July to perform with OzScot Australia in the Basel Tattoo 2024.

The 16-year-olds are the only dancers to represent the South East at the 2024 Tattoo, and will join 48 other dancers from across Australasia.

They were among 40 of the 50 dancers short-listed prior to an intensive two-day choreography workshop in Brisbane ahead of the event.

Edwards described the workshop as “a really fun experience”.

“That’s where OzScot and the OzScot Junior Development Squad were learning some of the steps for Basel,” she said.

“They sent the steps to us beforehand, but it was a little bit overwhelming because you had to dance it in formation, which is pretty hard when you’re jumping because you keep moving.

“They send the choreography via a Facebook group and then there are fitness programs just to make sure you’re ready.

“Everyone has seen OzScot choreography so it’s really cool to actually be a part of one, but you have to be dancing at your best for the Tattoo or you’re not going to cope.”

The dancers said it is a dream come true and they hope it will be the first of many Tattoos.

“It has always been what I have wanted to do, it’s insane,” Edwards told The SE Voice.

“I honestly would not have dreamt of doing a Tattoo at this age especially while still at school. It’s just an amazing opportunity and I am really excited.

“The main goal after all this is to dance at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. I grew up watching the Edinburgh Tattoo, so I have always wanted to perform there.”

“I am looking most forward to going to Switzerland because that’s crazy and dancing will be amazing,” Salmon said.

“You definitely do not dance as a group a lot in Highland dancing, so it’s different, but it will be fun just being in the environment and dancing with a big group of people.”

It will set off a busy few weeks for the girls as they jet off to Scotland following Switzerland to compete in various highland games and the World Highland Dancing Championship qualifiers.

“We are going to Scotland afterwards to compete, which will be cool,” Salmon said.

“Going to Scotland to dance is the peak so it will be a really good experience,” Edwards added.

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