History icon’s life honoured

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History icon’s life honoured

Members of the South East Family History Group are mourning the passing of its oldest member.

Retired farmer Tom Telford died at the Mount Gambier Hospital on August 23 and just a few days after marking his 96th birthday.

Blessed with a sharp memory and wide life experiences, Mr Telford was ever-ready to share his knowledge at the monthly SEFHG meetings in Millicent.

For example, he told the July monthly meeting of his memories of the post-war radio broadcaster Jack Davey as well as riding his pushbike as a 16-year-old in the vicinity of the rumoured haunt of the ghost at Gran Gran.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Telford said it would be his last on account of mobility issues.

An avid bagpiper and fine singer, he formerly operated a dairy on Rocky Camp Road at Millicent until retiring to Mount Gambier around 25 years ago.

Mr Telford was given the honour in 2021 of unveiling the commemorative plaque at the site of Millicent’s first cemetery.

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