Home turf advantage

Home turf advantage

The Millicent Bowls Club held their Ladies Fours and Pairs competition recently, with teams travelling from Kingston, Robe, Port MacDonnell, Beachport, Mount Gambier RSL and Naracoorte.

The concept of the day began with one bowl from each player bowling to the ditch and the closest two bowls won a prize.

The first game for the day was fours played over 12 ends.

Then a pair bowlers played 8 ends of 3 bowls straight, followed by the other pair.

The final game of four players was played over 12 ends.

Winning the bowl to the ditch were Millicent’s Sarah Ross and Beachport’s Jill Preston.

The pairs winners for the first game went to Elaine Pruis and Shirley Taylor from Port MacDonnell with 26.5 points.

Second pairs winners was a tie between Tracy Willmott and Anne Sheils from Kingston and Mary Campbell and Faye Hill, both with 26.5 points.

The overall winners for the day went to the Beachport team of Jill Preston, Anne-Marie Goode, Lynnette Smith and Pam Snook with 86.5 points.

Runners up for the day went to the Millicent team of Sarah Ross, Joy Warren, Esther Scudds and Merle Stevens with a score of 86 points.

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