Illegal fishers caught in blitz

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Illegal fishers caught in blitz

Ablitz on recreational fishers by PIRSA compliance officers in South Australian waters has found only a small number of offenders.

Fisheries Minister Clare Scriven said the statewide sweep by fisheries officers resulted in 2500 fishers having their catches checked over the four-day Easter period.

“Of these 2500 checks, only 30 resulted in on the spot fines and 26 resulted in cautions being issued,” Minister Scriven said.

“These numbers equate to about 98% of catches being compliant, with only 2% found to be doing the wrong thing, and with most offences relating to the take of undersized fish.

“While only 2% were found to be doing the wrong thing it was a very expensive day out for some, with one of the groups caught taking undersized fish receiving fines amounting to $3000.

“While fisheries officers are dedicated to educating and helping the fishing public, it is important to remember the key role they play in the sustainability of our fisheries by enforcing the rules and regulations and, where required – but only where required – issuing penalties to those found to be doing the wrong thing.”

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