Medieval marvel

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Medieval marvel

Hear ye, hear ye, the midst of Mount Gambier was transformed into a medieval marvel on the weekend, with hordes of historical characters converging on the Blue Lake city.

Mount Gambier’s Fantasy Medieval Fair attracted thousands of people to the city’s showgrounds, as those attending stepped back in time.

It was the third instalment of the event, which was bigger and more interactive than ever before.

More than 60 merchants filled the entire main hall and outdoor lanes, with some coming from NSW, Victoria and Adelaide, as well as local artisans who showcased wares with fantasy and medieval themes.

New additions this year included Tartan Muscle who demonstrated their amazing feats of strength in the Entertainment Arena, as well as armoured combat battles by re-enactment groups.

The horses returned with a jousting championship and armed displays, while there was musical entertainment from local dance groups and harpist Agnes Sims, who joined internationally renowned harpist Siobahn Owen.

The adults only feast also returned on Saturday night full of hearty meals and merriment, with live music, fire twirlers, cultural dancing, oracle reading and a ritual performance.

Committee member Talie Teakle said organisers were delighted by the response to the fair, which again proved exceptionally popular.

“The feedback from fair attendees was there was a lot more to look at and more to be involved in,” she said.

“The LARP (live action role playing) was so popular there’s talk of a local chapter starting.

“The medieval archery was located at the entrance this year and had more participants than ever.

“Similarly stallholders said they sold as much in the first day as they did the entire weekend last year.

“But most importantly, the vibe of the fair was full of positive energy with everyone enjoying the atmosphere and costumes.”

Ms Teakle said the event attracted both locals and visitors, from intra-state and interstate.

“People travelled from all over Australia specifically for it,” she said.

“One couple I spoke to were from Melbourne and a guy who was there last year too so I assumed he was local, but he travelled 15 hours from NSW two years in a row to be at the fair.”

Ms Teakle said the team was in the process of sending out surveys to all participants and was open to suggestions for improvements, with next year’s dates already set as April 5 and 6.

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