Museum flight plan

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Museum flight plan

Plans for an aviation museum in Mount Gambier are progressing, with local councillors receiving an update about the project last night.

Mount Gambier Regional Airport manager Nick Serle was last night set to advocate on behalf of a small community group seeking assistance from Grant District Council towards getting a project off the ground.

Members of the Mount Gambier Aviation Museum Incorporated is seeking $5000 seed funding to establish a museum at the Mount Gambier airport.

The request for financial assistance along with a licence agreement was due to be presented for consideration at council’s April monthly meeting last night.

The organisation was formed in October last year and has since created a strategic plan ready to be launched to the public.

The group is seeking to enter into a licence agreement over a section of the WWII Bellman Hangar and control tower.

It is intended the museum will house all things aviation, with particular interest in the World War II era in Mount Gambier.

The Mount Gambier Airport is steeped in history.

The current site was first utilised as an airstrip in 1927 before becoming a RAAF training base in 1940.

A great deal of its history has been in storage at various locations, waiting to come together to make its display debut.

It is intended visitors would be taken on a tour of the old RAAF base highlighting the existing original World War II buildings as well as the ruined foundations of many others.

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