Interim Beyond Blue leader appointed

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Interim Beyond Blue leader appointed

Beyond Blue Deputy Chair Kate Carnell AO will assume the role of interim Chair for Beyond Blue following the appointment of incumbent Sam Mostyn AO as Australia’s governor-general designate.

A decorated Liberal Party figure, Ms Carnell has extensive governance and leadership experience across politics, health, business and not-for-profit sectors.

She served on the Beyond Blue Board from 2008-12 and then as Beyond Blue’s chief executive until 2014.

She was reappointed to the Board in late 2016.

Ms Carnell has also served as ACT Chief Minister and Health Minister, is a former chief executive of the Australian General Practice Network and fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She was the inaugural Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, former chief executive of Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and originally trained as a pharmacist.

Ms Carnell congratulated Ms Mostyn on her appointment as Australia’s governor-general designate.

“Sam has a skill set that will serve this nation well. Whoever she deals with, she deals with as an equal, as somebody she cares about. She listens and importantly she acts on things that are important to her,” she said.

“I’m pleased to be stepping in as Beyond Blue’s interim Chair and look forward to continuing the organisation’s work supporting all Australians to achieve their best possible mental health.”

Beyond Blue chief executive Georgie Harman said, given Ms Carnell’s extensive experience inside and outside of Beyond Blue it was appreciated that she had accepted the Board’s invitation to be interim Chair until the Board appoints a new Chair.”

“Kate has always been an active and incisive contributor to Board discussions and has excellent networks and relationships with our partners, stakeholders and governments,” she said.

Ms Mostyn’s appointment as governor-general takes effect on 1 July.

In line with protocol, she stepped down as Beyond Blue Chair yesterday when she became Australia’s governor-general designate.

Contact the Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 224 636 or visit for more information.

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