Jubilee Highway upgrade progresses

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Jubilee Highway upgrade progresses

Work is under way on a busy stretch of the Jubilee Highway to improve safety and traffic efficiency along the Princes Highway.

Traffic diversions are in place while pavement rehabilitation work is undertaken on the highway eastbound from Wehl Street to Penola Road, where the road surface is being removed to be replaced with new asphalt.

A Department for Infrastructure and Transport spokesperson said the upgrade was part of the $190m Princes Highway corridor program.

The program is jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments (80:20) to improve long term safety and efficiency for all road users.

“The department is undertaking pavement remediation on the Jubilee Highway West between Penola Road and Wehl Street North to improve road surface quality by removing the existing pavement and replacing it with new asphalt,” they said.

“Speed and lane restrictions will remain in place for the entirety of works and the upgrade of this section is expected to be completed by late December, weather permitting.

“We thank motorists for their patience while we complete this important work.”

While the upgrades are under way, motorists are urged to plan ahead, anticipate delays, and exercise caution around construction sites.

Adhere to speed limits and lane restrictions, take extra care when workers are on site, and follow instructions from traffic controllers.

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