Leadership program budget boost

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Leadership program budget boost

Grant District Council will increase its budget allocation to continue an existing sponsorship agreement with the Limestone Coast Leadership Program.

It was reported at an October council meeting council has previously provided sponsorship of $6500 over the past three years and there was provision of $6500 in the 2021-22 budget.

However, the current request would require an increase of $1000 per year to the existing budget allocation.

The request to continue the sponsorship, as well as increase the amount, was put forward for elected members to consider.

Three partnership options were provided by the Limestone Coast Local Government Association.

This included a one-year commitment of $10,000, two-year commitment of $8500, or a three-year commitment of $7500.

Councillor Kylie Boston moved that council continue its existing sponsorship arrangement with the program for a period of three years.

The sponsorship will require a budget variation in the 2021-22 budget and provision of $7500 in 2022-23 and 2023-24 budgets.

This was also accepted at the council meeting.

Council also resolved to continue to advocate for continual improvement of the program with stakeholders and industry feedback.

The motions were seconded Cr Gill Clayfield and carried.

The LCLP is a 10-month program delivered by the Leaders Institute of South Australia and is presented across various locations throughout the Limestone Coast.

The cost per participant to undertake the course is $7000.

Corporate Services acting director Gary Button said the program was open to individuals from across the Limestone Coast wanting to broader their leadership capabilities and impact through personal growth, self-empowerment, and relationship development.

“Several positions are targeted at building potential leaders from minority groups and there is a competitive application and selection process for all participants,” he said.

The program is in its third year and there have been a total of 30 graduates.

Three local alumni presented to council in October, speaking about the benefits of program with council passing a motion to advocate for the program to continue.

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