Liberal MLC appointed to export initiative

Liberal MLC appointed to export initiative

New Liberal MLC and Mount Gambier resident Ben Hood has recently been appointed to the parliamentary select committee inquiring into the exporting of wood fibre and other Limestone Coast timber matters.

Mr Hood takes the place of fellow Liberal Heidi Girolamo who stepped down.

Its cross-party membership comprises Liberal Opposition Leader Dr Nicola Centofanti, Labor MLCs Ted Ngo and Russell Wortley and crossbencher Frank Pangallo.

The committee has invited oral and written submissions from the public and the closing date is April 28.

A sub-committee of the Legislative Council, it was originally established in May 2019, but work was delayed for a period because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The committee did not have sufficient time to finalise and table a final report before the March 2022 state election.

As a result, it received cross-party support to be re-established.

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