The Lions Club of Blue Lake City Lioness joined in the national Lions Lap the Map for Diabetes event recently to raise awareness of the disease in the lead up to World Diabetes Day.
The local service club offered free blood glucose and blood pressure testing at Mount Gambier Central on the Friday and Saturday prior to the main event.
The Lions Club of Blue Lake City Lioness immediate past president Janet Bellinger said Lions Australia puppy in training Gumpy was a welcome addition.
“He was a great hit, everybody loved him and the lady that was looking after him she took him for a walk through the complex and she talked to people in regards to diabetes and she also talked about what the dogs were able to do,” she said.
“Most of the Lions had their tests and they were all very good so they were really happy that we did not have anybody that we had to send to the doctor.”
Mrs Bellinger said Limestone Coast community members walked more than 100km as part of the national service club initiative.
“It was a beautiful day, a lovely day to walk and people walked down both ways on the railway lines down and back to the pantry,” she said.
“It was a worthy project and we hope that it’s brought to the general public how important it is to exercise.”
The Lions Clubs aim to walk a combined total of kilometres nationwide that exceeds the circumference of Australia.