McBride responds to claim

McBride responds to claim

Liberal Member for MacKillop Nick McBride has responded to renewed capital city media speculation that he intends to quit the Liberal Party.

It is not the first time speculation has swirled surrounding his party allegiance, with the matter previously raised in 2021.

“I note speculation in the media that I am considering becoming an Independent,” Mr McBride said in a statement issued to newsrooms in September 2021.

“I do not wish to make any further comment at this stage, other than to indicate that I will continue to engage with my constituents to ascertain their opinions on a variety of matters.”

Mr McBride ultimately remained with the Liberal Party and increased his vote at the election held a year ago.

The latest speculation came in a recent opinion piece in an Adelaide newspaper which again suggested Mr McBride might become an Independent and even form a breakaway conservative party.

There are just four crossbenchers among the 47 members of the House of Assembly with the next poll not due until 2026.

However, Mr McBride distanced himself from these views when approached by The SE Voice.

“I remain committed to the Liberal Party,” Mr McBride told this newspaper.

He cited his involvement in staging the upcoming annual general meetings in the coming months of the eight Liberal Party branches in his vast electorate.

Mr McBride has attended the Lucindale Field Days and a bank closure meeting at Kingston in recent weeks as well as making several speeches in the

House of Assembly.

He also welcomed a group of legal studies students to Parliament House and gave them an escorted tour.

They came from Prince Alfred College in suburban Adelaide where Mr McBride boarded and received his secondary education.

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